Dutch Butterfly Conservation

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Conservation of butterflies, moths and dragonflies

Dutch Butterfly Conservation, the name De Vlinderstichting uses outside the Netherlands, was founded in 1983, with conservation and restoration of the Dutch butterfly fauna as its chief aims. Since then, it has extended those aims to include dragonflies and moths. Furthermore, our area of activity has grown over the border, where we now work with sister organizations in Europe. Conservation is of great urgency, because the numbers of these insects have been decreasing drastically since the beginning of the twentieth century. Our work is only possible with the help of more than 1500 volunteers, and the financial support of those who donate to our cause, at present, numbering some 6000.

Butterflies, moths and dragonflies

Dutch Butterfly Conservation works on conserving, restoring and developing nature with the focus on butterflies, moths and dragonflies. This is because these insects respond strongly to changes in their habitats, and areas where many different species occur, are also rich in other fauna and flora. They are therefore excellent indicators of the quality of the nature and landscape, the butterflies and moths on land and the dragonflies in aquatic environments. Their absence tells us something is wrong, whether this is in a nature reserve, the countryside or in a town on road verges or in parks.


Dutch Butterfly Conservation carries out research and gives advice to those responsible for deciding the use, development and management of land in all sorts of areas. We have research workers with broad experience and expertise in ecology, specialized in butterflies, moths and dragonflies, as well as nature conservation.


Dutch Butterfly Conservation uses the results of its research as a basis for the information it provides on butterflies, moths and dragonflies, and their significance for nature conservation. In various ways, we try to reach as many people as possible. Thus, we hope that conservation beneficial for these insects will be supported not only by policy makers and implementing parties, but also by the public at large.


Whenever possible, Dutch Butterfly Conservation works in partnership. In the Netherlands, we collaborate with other data-collecting organizations, such as the SoortenNL (Society for Research on Flora and Fauna) and Soortenbescherming Nederland (a platform of organizations for species conservation), who are discussion partners for the government with regard to species conservation. We are one of the founding organisations of Butterfly Conservation Europe (BCE).

Moreover, we also work with universities, research institutes and sister organizations, both in the Netherlands and abroad, in Great Britain (British Butterfly Conservation), Germany and Belgium.

Regarding the dragonflies, Dutch Butterfly Conservation works with the NVL (Dutch Society for the Study of Dragonflies) and EIS-Netherlands (the Dutch branch of the European Invertebrate Survey).

Internships and MSc Projects

For many years now, Dutch Butterfly Conservation has offered opportunities for internships and thesis projects to students. Perhaps for you as well? You can complete your MSc thesis or spend your trainee period, working under the guidance of one of our staff, either from Research & Consultancy or Information & Education. In both fields, you will find suitable subjects. Find out more.


By phone: +31 (0)317 467346.

You can also reach us by e-mail.