Butterfly Monitoring Reports

Annual Reports

There are many different Butterfly Monitoring Schemes in Europe that frequently generate, sometimes annually, reports on the data collected through their BMS. Here you can find some of the reports recently produced:


Summary Reports

Some BMSs have been collecting data for decades. Such data from long-established monitoring schemes is invaluable as it enables butterfly abundance trends to be calculated. The results of such analyses of long-term datasets are presented in summary reports:


Butterfly Trends

One of the main reasons for doing butterfly monitoring is the possibility of calculating butterfly trends. Those trends are calculated from the robust data provided by the butterfly monitoring schemes (BMS) done every year. Butterfly trends show the status of different butterfly species and with those trends together, we can calculate the butterfly Indicators for certain habitats, like the Butterfly Grassland Indicator. 

Countries running their BMS for several years can calculate their trends specifically for their countries and climate: