One of the most popular and well-known groups of insects are butterflies which can serve as useful bioindicators thanks to their monitoring. Butterflies started to be monitored in Europe in the 1970's and right now butterflies are already one of the best-monitored insect groups in the world, but there are gaps in our knowledge. For that reason, BCE continues promoting butterfly monitoring everywhere.
Projects boosting butterfly monitoring
BCE has been working on several projects to promote and improve butterfly monitoring in Europe. Discover more in the following links:
Butterflies are valuable bioindicators of terrestrial ecosystems because they meet a series of requirements:
They are easy to recognize.
They are very sensitive to changes (both climatic and actions in their habitats).
They are a prominent group of insects that collectively make up more than two-thirds of all species on Earth.
Together with other insects, they are a vital component of the food-chain, providing food for other insects as well as birds and mammals, and the pollination of wildflowers.
What is the eBMS - European Butterfly Monitoring Scheme?
European Butterfly Monitoring SchemeEuropean Butterfly Monitoring Scheme
Butterflies in Europe have been counted by Butterfly Monitoring Schemes since 1976. The method consists of counting butterflies along a fixed route called a transect which is visited regularly during the butterfly flight period (the exact period depends on the country). Most transects are counted once per week by volunteer recorders.
There are well organised schemes active in Europe in many countries, from Finland in the north to Spain in the south. The European Butterfly Monitoring Scheme (eBMS) was established by Butterfly Conservation Europe in April 2016 to bring together data from these country schemes into a single database. The work is coordinated by the UK Centre for Ecology and Hydrology and has its own dedicated website.
Butterfly Monitoring Schemes in Europe
Butterfly monitoring is booming. Since the start in the UK in 1976 more and more schemes have joined in. At present the following schemes are active in Europe (click the links for more info):
Mating pair of Cupido argiades (Short-tailed Blue)Mating pair of Cupido argiades (Short-tailed Blue)
Germany: in the Pfalz region monitoring data on three habitat directive species (Maculinea teleius, M. nausithous and Lycaena dispar) is available since 1989 from almost a hundred sites.
Germany: Nordrhein-Westfalen all species since 2001. From 2005 data from over 100 sites available.
Germany: In 2005 a nationwide monitoring scheme was launched, now 100 of sites.
Hungary: all species since 2016 with more than 30 transects.
Ireland: all species since 2007, more than 160 sites.
Italy: all species since 2019, more than 100 transects.
Jersey (Channel Islands): all species since 2004 from 25 sites.
Latvia: all species since 2015.
Lithuania scheme restarted in 2021, with some transects from 2009.
Luxembourg: all species since 2010, more than 80 transects.
Transcarpathia (Ukraine): field data collected for all species at 20-30 sites since 1983, but at present only analysed for one species (Erynnis tages).
United Kingdom: all species since 1976, annually from >3000 sites.