The BC Europe Partners Meeting of 2022 was held the last week of November in Laufen (Germany), for the first time after the pandemic. During three days, between 30th of November and 3th of December, 50 delegates from 27 countries participated in a great meeting with interesting discussions regarding butterfly monitoring and other insects.
We thank the organization made by ANL for supporting this meeting, taking care of the online retransmission and logistics. Also, to the SPRING project funding the event and BCE members and participants that enjoyed a great time, sharing ideas and good moments between us.
During the days of the Laufen meeting, the majority of the sessions were recorded. You can find the recorded videos of the sessions on the BCE YouTube channel:
Download the pdf of the Laufen Programme here. The following links are to pdfs of presentations by the speakers in the programme:
Delegates arrive
Welcome by Sam Ellis, Chair BC Europe and Outline of meeting – Martin Warren, BC Europe
Session 1: eBMS update
Welcoming speech – Dr. Christian Barth (Executive Chief of the Bavarian Ministry for
environmental affairs, Munich) & Dieter Pasch (Director of ANL, Laufen)
Session 2: SPRING project update
Session 3: Focusing on solutions (interactive session)
Session 4: Analysing eBMS Data
Session 5: Red List and Indicators
Session 6: Policy
Session 7: EBMS tools
Session 8: Volunteers
General Discussion & Conclusion and Way ahead - Sue & Martin
Help us on improving following Laufen meetings filling the following google form about your participation and what to improve: