Butterfly Indicators in EU Policy

Butterfly Indicators in EU Policy

BCE Recommendations on use of Butterfly Data and Indicators


Policy recommendations

  1. Use European Butterfly Monitoring Scheme (eBMS) data and indicators for EU policy design; to inform resource planning in Member State (MS) Prioritised Action Frameworks; to evaluate and improve policy implementation to help reverse pollinator declines.
  2. Use data on butterflies to help design effective CAP Strategic Plans; and to ensure forestry, urban and regional plans include more open habitats for pollinators.
  3. Use BMS data to strengthen the quality of assessment by MSs of the Conservation Status of Habitats Directive butterflies and improve management of Natura 2000 areas.
  4. Link butterfly data with land use and management data, including Natura 2000 Management Plan implementation, Land Use Parcel Information System and Satellite data to help evaluate conservation effectiveness.
  5. Support additional monitoring of rare and vulnerable butterflies and designate additional Protected Areas that are important for Red Listed and other threatened butterflies.
  6. Invest in further capacity building and cooperation among citizen scientists, professionals, farmers and authorities to monitor the abundance of butterflies, moths and other pollinators as part of an EU Pollinator Monitoring Scheme.
  7. Member States to continue or start to support existing Butterfly Monitoring Schemes and invest in new schemes in Denmark, Greece, Latvia, Romania and Slovakia, to create a complete EU network.